
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Weekly weigh in

(Todays workout: Back- bent over reverse grip barbell rows, Seated cable rows (wider grip), lat pull downs, and back extension. Core- Pike sit ups with med ball, decline sit ups with med ball, bicycle and oblique crunches on ball) 25 minutes of HiiT cardio,
step mill 110 steps per min (45 seconds),
50 steps per min (45 seconds) repeated 10X's,
finished with sprints on treadmill 8 MPH 45 seconds,
5.5MPH 45 seconds (repeated 5X's).
walked for 5 minute cool down then stretch)

Today is a good day:) I woke up and decided to weigh myself. I normally wait till the end of the week, regardless I am down 2 more pounds. I have lost a total of 6 pds and went down a size in my jeans. This plan is so much different that most diet plans where the goal is to just drop weight. This is a science, a carefully balanced plan with the goal being to reduce body fat and preserve lean muscle mass. It can be tricky and to be honest there are some days I don't know what the hell I am doing. I look at all the fitness magazines read the articles, research online and try to take all that info and apply what will work best for me.

So after my 2 pd loss I was so excited for my workout today! I got to the gym and saw a women practicing her "fitness" routine in the group exercise room. I have seen her a bunch of times and can tell she is training for something she is in AMAZING shape. I watched this lady who is in her mid to late 40's bounce around the room do one handed push-ups, toe touch jumps and rolls.. I was so impressed A) because I seriously doubt I could do that and B) she was at least 10 years older than me!! It also got me to wondering if I could ever do a "Fitness" Competition one day.. Who knows, at this point I just want to get through this.

1 comment:

  1. Make us proud Sandi!! I want to say "Holy Shit! Look at you!" at the end of your pressure though :)
