
Monday, March 7, 2011

40 days out (+7) yay!

SO found out the original show I wanted to do, but couldn't due to scheduling conflict, changed dates and now I can do that one.. Its closer, in Carver MA, and gives me one more week to train. Lots of new changes all around..

Started working full time, so meals, training and more importantly prioritizing family had to be carefully arranged. Just proof that if you want it bad enough its possible. Yes it requires prep and planning, but it can be done. Too many excuses as to why we can't eat better, and make time to exercise. My new Vitamix is a GOD SEND and enables me to make quick fresh healthy organic meals, super quick!! (seriously should do sales for this company, I am so sold!) with that and the bread machine, I am all about making my own foods, minus the crap;) Oh and I'm trying to be a semi-vegan... raw-vegan too! Bought a cool vegan cookbook, with lots of info, vegan essentials, and creative recipes.. I'm excited to make my own veggie burgers out of just veggies, and not some frozen sodium loaded alternative in the food store.. Also cool to know its just not all about tofu.. Eating used to be all about being thin for me, in my older wiser age, I'm learning its first and for most about health, the weight takes care of itself after that..

Jay is totally on board, he finally realized its about health and not just weight or being "fit".. A few enlightening documentaries later, and hes reading every food label and Googling superfoods, and giving me advice.. I had to tell him to settle down a little, talked him out of buying a 10lb bag of raw cocoa powder, and handed him a beer (which he complained wasn't organic, WHO R U!!??) He's heard all these things from me for years, but I'm just his wife.. what do I know? Joking aside I'm very proud of him, shocked, but happy to see him making healthy changes on his own.. I'm also happy he not only doesn't bitch ab0ut me buying only organic foods, he is refusing to eat anything else.. Is it more money? Yes, but for a reason and worth it..

I'm by no means perfect, sometimes on my quest of health and organic superpower status, I take it too far... Like my idea for brownie bread. I couldn't try it, but my kids faces said it all. Brownies should be brownies and bread should be bread... Per Olivia.. I make so many different breads from the machine, but Travis still wants white bread. So store bought organic "soft white wheat" wins.. but I do have to say the vitamix ice cream was a hit...

SO under 7 weeks to go, and I feel so good this time around.. So much more energy compared to last time.. Time to crank it up.. Workouts will change, cardio will increase, etc. But its fun, I love it, and wouldn't do it if that weren't the case..