
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Crunch time

So I'm here again, 18 days to train hard and get ready for the "show". I'm excited but also a little nervous. I feel better about being on stage, but its still something I struggle with, this is a bigger show than last time so that adds to my anxiety a little. I cried during my workout yesterday. I refused to do some complicated exercise combo my trainer was trying to show me, and he got pissed and walked out of the basketball court. I sat on the bench and cried like a little girl, there was more going on than just the workout, some negative feedback about my new found love of training got to me this week. This is something I love, something that has made me healthier, happier and dedicated, but there are still people who question it or slam my commitment to competing. I attribute most of my reaction to being under 3 weeks till the competition, I've worked so hard, I'm tired and a more emotional than normal.
today was a better day, and I realized I don't have to explain myself to anyone. This is my choice and if you don't agree, well guess what I DON'T CARE.

My success isn't defined by a medal, trophy or first place in any category in which I choose to compete. My success is meeting the goal I set for myself. That goal has always been to be the healthiest I could be, without being extreme and/or miserable in my pursuit to be fit. The competition was never the goal, it was the necessary ingredient for me to stay the course and it worked!

anyways.. heading back to the gym for my 2nd cardio session of the day. Love the way I feel after a good sweat:)


  1. Sorry you had a tough day yesterday Sandi!

    You look great and I commend you on your dedication - it is certainly hard work!

    Good luck in your competition!

  2. i know how you training for my first show and i have only told my closest friends and family because i know most people will not understand why im pushing myself like this. hang in there sandi! your transformation is so inspiring!

  3. Thank you so much! In the end its all worth it.. I love doing this and when I don't I'll stop! Good luck Angela on your first show:) Try and have fun too!!
